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Swedish National Conscription Network

Explanation: Interactive figure to compliment the paper. This figure shows the network of the Swedish National Conscription data. The nodes represent different data collected (such as psychological tests) and the edges represent the correlation between the tests. The edge weights are the correlation coefficients. The node size is based on different centrality metrics. The network is colored based on the different categories of the tests.
Network:Choose the different type of network to visualize. "All subjects" is the non-regularized non-parametric network. MGM uses mixed graphical models which includes reguarlization of edges (but has other potential issues and more assumptions). And "Pain - No Pain" is the difference between Pain and No Pain cohorts for the non-regularized non-parametric method.
Threshold edges above: Set the threshold for the edge weights.
Scale edge size: Scale the edge size/intensity.
Scale node size: Scale the node size.
Node Size: Choose the node size based on different centrality metrics (NB: this is for the all subject sizes).